Why do children in Japan obey their parents and do not throw tantrums

The explanation is simple. “Education begins at home.” Although this saying is correct, it is not difficult to locate a child on the street who, if not granted what he requests, causes a commotion wherever he goes. Children will sometimes weep, scream, throw themselves on the floor, and blackmail to get their way. Previously, parents disciplined children physically: when a child misbehaved, he was thrashed with sticks, belts, or just his hands.


However, as more was learned about the effects of such “education” on young children’s minds and development, it was determined that this was not the greatest kind of punishment. Many psychologists then emphasized the necessity of engaging in discourse and scolding only with words, rather than resorting to violence. Experts have noticed that this strategy is also ineffective since chats with children about difficulties gradually lose their significance, and children stop paying attention to them and do whatever they want.

Japan brought us the most effective way of punishment. Japan is regarded as one of the greatest powers, owing to the discipline and mindset of its citizens. The Japanese will not tolerate failure on the side of their children, especially if it is simply disobedience. Thus, they have attained academic perfection. Their unique method requires a mother to be present with her child at all times.

This indicates that, according to Japanese etiquette, a mother should take her child with her when going to the bank or shopping. This fosters connection and a deep bond between the kid and the mother and should be continued until the child is three years old. After three years, Japanese parents send their children to kindergarten or, in certain cases, to school. The most tough part comes now.

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