Some people dislike flying and, if forced to do so, resort to sleeping medications. But 64-year-old American Bruce Campbell like airplanes and has decided to convert one into a residential residence. A retired Boeing 727 rests in the middle of a forest in Portland, Oregon. Campbell bought this tract of land for $23,000 when he was just over 20. As a child, he was drawn to abandoned equipment graves.He hoped to someday bring the ancient passenger plane back to life–at least partially.
For the past ten years, a man has lived in his own Boeing. He spent approximately $220,000 on the organization of the internal space, which is 100 square meters. He realized he would never be able to provide perfect living circumstances here. However, this did not terrify Campbell, who is satisfied with the fact that water and electricity are available on board.The American sought to make the living area as pleasant as possible while also maintaining an environment that made him feel as if he was hovering several thousand meters above the ground.
As a result, he kept the majority of the aircraft’s original equipment, converting the seats into a sofa and the pilots’ cockpit into a pleasant reading lounge. Campbell goes on board via the ladder, as expected. He removes the water from the original tank. He sleeps on a futon, cooks only in a microwave oven (mostly canned food), and washes in an improvised shower. The man admires the clever design of airplanes and is captivated by their beauty.
The American is always delighted to host guests. However, before entering, you must remove your shoes because the owner strives to maintain his home clean.He will have slippers for each guest. On his website, he discusses how to adapt a Boeing for dwelling. He now intends to transform the Boeing 747 into a residence, which will be based in Japan. Only a few people in the world live on airplanes.