Some argue that ghosts and spirits are not real, but rather imaginary creations of humans. However, the stories we are about to relate may make you reconsider. When I was 17 (before the internet, answering machines, and cell phones), my family went on vacation to Canada, while I stayed at home to work my summer job.
They were meant to be gone for seven days, but on the seventh day, I received a postcard from my mother informing me that they had opted to visit friends in Vermont and would return two days later than expected.
When they returned two days later, as planned, they all apologized for being gone for two days without telling me. I replied, “You did tell me. “I received your postcard two days ago.” My mother responded, “We did not send a postcard. We chose to stop on our way home, so even if we had sent a postcard, it would not have arrived now.”
“But I’ve got the postcard right here,” I responded, reaching for the stack of mail on the counter. I looked through it and found no postcards.
I must have dreamed that she had sent it to notify me.