According to relationship experts, there are nine common phrases that the happiest couples use to stay connected.

1 “I Love You”. When it comes to frequent statements that happy couples use on a regular basis, stating “I love you” is definitely a given, but it still deserves to be noted. “Saying ‘I love you’ is something that should be said in a relationship regularly,” Safran elaborates. “Even when couples experience ups and downs in life, saying ‘I love you’ is critical. Whether you’re closing a conversation, having a bad day, or going through a difficult period, it’s all about love.2 “Thank You, I Really Appreciate….”

It may go without saying that saying “thank you” to your mate goes a long way and is another typical word used by happy couples. And, to be honest, I don’t think you can say “thank you” to each other too much. “The more we appreciate our partner, the more they want to contribute to us and our relationship,” he explains. 3 “How Was Your Day?”

“How was your day?” is another frequently used remark among happy couples. “Finding out how someone’s day was shows you care,” Safran claims. “Many couples grumble about communication and feel less important than the people they work with. However, taking the time to truly listen can go a long way. Do you communicate with your significant other? Or do you text or avoid conversation entirely by turning on the TV, phone, etc.? Couples who make time for each other to learn about each other’s days and relax together have a better chance of remaining connected in the long run.”

4 “How Can I Help Make Your Day Better?” Aside from asking your partner how their day was, you may also figure out how you might support them. “A common phrase (or question, rather) happy couples say regularly is, ‘How can I help make your day better?'” Dr. Suzana Flores, clinical psychologist and author of Facehooked: How Facebook Affects Our Emotions, Relationships, and Lives, speaks with Bustle.

“This question displays that you care about your partner’s well-being and are willing to take actions to boost their attitude. This question also exposes your ability to sympathize with your partner and your nurturing side, all of which are essential for a good and meaningful relationship.” 5 “I Have Your Back” If you’ve ever been in a relationship where you felt your partner didn’t support you, you’ll understand the importance of saying “I have your back” on a frequent basis.

“This phrase confirms that, no matter what, you aren’t going to face your struggles and worries alone,” she explains. “You have a teammate that will look out for you and hold you up through thick and thin.” 6 “They Are So Great!” When you are proud of your spouse and happy to be with them, you will most likely share their triumphs with others. “He/she is so great,” King says, is a common thing good couples say to others on a daily basis. “They brag about their partner to others!”

7 “You Did A Really Good Job With ‘X'” In addition to telling others about their accomplishments, you should also tell your partner how you feel about anything they achieved. Another word that happy couples frequently remark is, “You did a really good job with ‘X,'” King notes. “They give each other acknowledgement, which is important.”

8 “I’m Sorry” You may wonder why “I’m sorry” is such a popular statement among happy couples, but it’s so vital – even if it’s not always easy. “When you are wrong, it is important to take ownership for your mistakes and say, ‘I’m sorry,'” said Cohen. 9 “What Would I Do Without You?” Sometimes, or all the time, you may find it difficult to imagine that your partner was once *not* in your life. How did you survive without them?

9 Common Phrases The Happiest Couples Say To Stay Connected, According To Relationship  Experts

Another typical remark that happy couples use is “What would I be without you?” or something similar. “My favorite phrase is, ‘God only knows what I’d be without you,’ borrowed from The Beach Boys,” Elmquist tells me. “I say (or sing) this to my husband frequently, and it means that he has so intricately changed my life for the better that life without him is unimaginable.”

As you can see, happy couples use several frequent phrases on a regular basis. Of course, you and your significant other may have even more. The point is to stay connected — and happy — with your partner, and the phrases listed above are excellent ways to do so.

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