Many people don’t know how to use it

Most bathroom sinks feature a little hole near the faucet. Many individuals ask if this hole is unnecessary or serves a special purpose. In truth, this small, modest hole, positioned around one-third of the way up the basin, is a brilliant feature that displays the sink’s creator’s careful and foresighted design by anticipating probable scenarios.

All about sink overflow holes! | Sutherland Plumbing Blog

This little opening connects to the drainage pipe below. During use, consumers frequently forget to turn off the faucet. In such circumstances, when the water level reaches two-thirds of the sink, it drains through the hole into the pipe, keeping water from overflowing onto the floor and filling the bathroom.

While useful, this overflow hole may cause users some inconvenience. Because it is in an uncomfortable location, bacteria and mold can readily accumulate, resulting in unpleasant odors coming from the pipes.

How an Overflow Bathroom Sink Works [& Why This is VERY Good!] - YouTube

So, if you notice a foul odor in the bathroom, particularly from this small hole, mix vinegar and baking soda and pour the mixture into the sink’s hole. The chemical reaction will help to eliminate dirt from the pipes in 5 to 10 minutes. Finally, flush the sink with warm water to finish cleaning. This strategy will keep your bathroom fresh and tidy.

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