Should you really put butter in the fridge?

Morning Ritual: Toasted Bagel with Butter and Avocado While it may be delightful in flavor, the act of spreading cold, hard butter diminishes the overall enjoyment. While I understand that butter at room temperature is more spreadable, I find it hard to trust that dairy can safely sit out on the counter.

It appears I was mistaken, as the USDA has identified butter as the sole dairy product deemed safe during a power outage.Distinct Processes: The Unique Creation of Milk and Butter With a fat content of approximately 80 percent, butter boasts a significantly lower water content, reducing the likelihood of bacterial growth when left unrefrigerated. Butter is frequently produced using pasteurized milk, reducing its susceptibility to bacterial growth.

Salted Butter: The Countertop Champion Against Bacteria. Storing Unsalted Butter: The Best Practice is Refrigeration. Optimal Freshness: Butter in a Covered Tray Lasts Approximately One Week Essential to Shield from Oxygen and Light

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