Left-handed people are truly exceptional, according to science.

Left-handed persons account for around 10% of the world’s population, and some of the most famous and intelligent people in history were lefties. This quality was once regarded negatively, and those who possessed it were considered outsiders. However, as decades passed and technology advanced, it became obvious that lefties are as smart, if not smarter, in some areas than right-handed persons.According to research published in the American Journal of Psychology, left-handed people outperform right-handed people in terms of inventiveness.

According to the study, they are better at experimenting with novel solutions to problems. A study undertaken by The Left-Handers’ Club (a pro-leftie organization committed to left-handedness research) with over 2,000 left-handed, right-handed, and ambidextrous participants discovered that lefties are more likely to pursue occupations in the arts, music, sports, and information technology.

Lefties have a competitive advantage in one-on-one sports such as tennis, badminton, and boxing. Linguist Rik Smits notes in his book, The Puzzle of Left-Handedness, that left-handed and right-handed athletes typically practice against right-handed opponents. As a result, right-handed players are caught off guard when facing a left-handed opponent. On the other hand, the left-handed player is prepared to face a right-handed opponent.

A 2019 study indicated that 17% of male boxers and 12.5% of female boxers are left-handed. This is a significant proportion when compared to the 10% of the general population that are left-handed. The study also discovered that these boxers had a better than 50% chance of winning their contests against right-handed opponents.

This implies that persons who fight with their left hand are more successful in combat sports.How many left-handed people do you know? Do you agree with the points said above? If you are a lefty, please leave a comment and share this post with your friends!

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