When Good Deeds Don’t Always Come Back the Way You Expect”

They believe that good deeds are rewarded, yet sometimes life happens in such a way that you don’t know how to respond. Sometimes the good is reciprocated with thankfulness, but other times, completely opposite reactions occur.

Should You Tip at Coffee Shops? - Business Insider

About ten years ago, I worked as a waitress. Our restaurant served a set lunch, and an elderly man came in, asked for the price, moaned, and was about to leave. I felt bad for him, so I fed him and paid for his lunch myself.

The manager chastised me, saying that they would never stop coming now, but what had been done could not be reversed. And in the evening, an ordinary-looking guy handed me a large gratuity. At the time, I really needed money to pay off my rent and obligations. And this sum was sufficient for everything.

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