The Rock That Swing Festival is a dance event that provides a combined stage for classic swing dances such as Lindy Hop, Boogie Woogie, Balboa, Shag, Authentic Jazz and Rockabilly Jive. Basically, this about talent and diversity.
numerous fun classes throughout the day that beginners, contestants and teachers can enjoy, such as comic performances, acrobatics, etc. The evening venues are graced by top bands that cover music from the 30s, 40s, and 50s,
too so you’re definitely in for a treat when you take part in this entertaining event., Dance lovers from all over the world participated. We talk about dancers from Argentina to England, Korea and Norway. Swing dance is one of the most lively social dance styles.
Catchy music and many interesting actions, usually including lifting, turning and flipping the partner. In fact, it has become a favorite of social dancers, regardless of gender. They said, if you want to see a swing dancer,
look for those with the brightest smiles while dancing. That’s great! This is exactly what Dietmar and Nellia showed. Obviously enjoying every minute on stage, this couple is definitely the crowd’s favorite. The quick movements, the happy smiles on their faces,
and the energy they brought into the room made everyone scream and cheer.Get ready to be fascinated by the beauty of Nellia in a dress and the beauty of dancing and the handsomeness of Dietmar in a blue suit.