Heartwarming moment two former circus elephants recognize each other after being separated 22 years

The animal planet never ceases to amaze us with its emotional behavior. The ability that they can remember each other after many years, is stunning!

These two elephants haven’t seen each other for 20 years, but the touching scene of their meeting melts everyone’s heart. When Jenny and Shirley, being for 22 years apart, reunion again, and they recognized each other immediately.

These two giants but gentle souls remembered each other after two decades of separation. It wasn’t possible to watch their reunion scene without tears.

How warmly they greeted each other, crying and touching each other with their trunks. It proves that pure love never can vanish. This love they carried in their hearts during these long years and now, they enjoy their reunion in an emotional way.

Shirley and Jenny have lived in a circus demonstrating tricks for the people for one reason, to gain money for their owners. They had to live in narrow enclosures after the performances till their next staging.

They were taken to the Tennessee  Elephant Sanctuary, where they meet each other after being apart so many years. Their heartbreaking reaction amazed even the keepers. These two loyal friends recognized each other after exploring and touching each other for some minutes.

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