“She Is What We Prayed For,” a Firefighter Adopts a Baby He Delivered on an Emergency Call

There are no coincidences in life, they say. If this is the case, the story in this article can be considered a true act of fate. Life brought Marc Hadden and his daughter together, and their story will most likely surprise you if you read it all the way through.

The hero of our story, Marc Hadden, is a firefighter. November 14, 2011, should have been just another ordinary day at work for him; however, it ended up being anything but.

That day began normally enough: Marc went to his 24-hour shift as usual. Then, all of a sudden, his shift assignment was changed, and he was assigned to the medical unit. His unit was dispatched to Rebecca Grace, a woman who had given birth to a baby girl that night.

Marc and his wife would later adopt a girl. Marc gave birth to the child himself. “It was fate that I ended up at this call,” Marc says. Marc and his team took Gracie and her mother to the hospital shortly after she was born.

Shortly after, it was clear that the girl would be put up for adoption. Marc said he immediately “started making calls asking anyone that would listen for advice on how to adopt Gracie.”

“It was a long night, not knowing if it would even be possible,” remembers Marc. “We learned the next morning that it was possible, and the ball started moving very quickly.”

They brought Grace home 48 hours later. Marc and his wife, Beth, were already parents of 2. They wanted to have more children but were unable to. The decision to adopt the girl was scary for Marc since he was a father of 2 boys.

“It was absolutely very scary, but the most wonderful feeling also,” recalls Marc. The whole family was extremely excited about Grace coming into their lives as well.

“We have never looked back and considered her completely part of our family.” “We share the knowledge that we were brought into each other’s lives for a reason,” says Marc. He tries to spend as much time with his daughter as possible and makes the most out of it.

He and his wife decided not to hide Grace from her background. “The decision to tell Gracie from the very beginning was made out of respect to her,” says Marс. They thought that it would be fair for Grace to know how special she was. They didn’t want to start building their relationship by hiding something from her.

Do you believe in coincidences? Have you ever faced a life-changing coincidence? Share your stories with us in the comment section below.

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