Have you ever had the feeling that your child is getting way more brilliant than you when conundrums or homework from his or her school cleared out you befuddled and puzzled? We have. Try to unravel these 8 straightforward perplexes that rudimentary schoolchildren appear to be able to unravel in a moment.
Puzzle 1. A parking spot. This simple puzzle was given to first graders in Hong Kong as an entrance exam. Kids cracked it in just a few seconds.
Puzzle 2. The four-digit numbers. Preschoolers can crack this one in five to 10 minutes; educated programmers in an hour!
Puzzle 3. Which way this bus is driving?
Puzzle 4: Find the Buttman!
Scroll down to see the answes
1. The answer is 87. Just turn the picture upside-down in your head.
2. The answer is 2581 = 2. Try to count the number of circles in each 4-digit number. For example, 6 has one circle, 8 has 2 of them, and 6889 has 6! Got it?
3. The bus is moving to the left because the door is on the other side.
4.9th in the 7th row.