One of the best pieces of news anyone can ever receive is the news about a new baby in the family! Unless, of course, you’re little Piper. Finding out that you’re having a new sibling can be hard for a lot of young children,
more so for this little one. Adorable 2-year-old Piper has a meltdown temper tantrum after finding out that she has a newborn baby sister coming home from the hospital.
Yes, it starts with just plain screaming, but wait until the father speaks. Once he starts asking Piper questions, the reasons for her emotional fit are very clear — and hilarious.
Even if he was excited about having a new sibling before the birth, your toddler may change his mind once the baby comes home. How your child behaves will depend partially on his temperament.
Children who are more flexible and self-contained may adjust more easily. Those who are highly sensitive, need more time with transitions, and like routines may take longer to adjust.
Clearly, Piper wants no part in the homecoming for her new sibling. Check out the video for all the joy. And screams. WATCH: 2-Year-Old Devastated About Finding Out She Has A Newborn Sister