Who was This Woman That gives elderly in wheelchair the only umbrella they have? Photos went viral on social media.

While there may be many caregivers who take good care of the elderly, not many may choose to go to great lengths for the sake of the seniors under their care like this selfless caregiver!

Even though she was employed as a caregiver, she treated the elderly people she looked after as if they were her own parents. The caregiver, as seen in the images, generously pushes the senior’s wheelchair through the rain while ensuring that the elderly do not get wet.

A netizen filmed the touching sight as he witnessed the caregiver pushing the old woman in a wheelchair down the road when it was raining fiercely. The caregiver, it appears, did not only do her best to push the old person in a wheelchair, but she also provided him or her the only umbrella they had in order to keep him or her dry.

She doesn’t seem to mind getting drenched. The touching photos of the caregiver and the elderly instantly moved everyone on the internet when the photos went viral on social media. If you were in the same situation as the caregiver and it was your parent in the wheelchair, would you be able to do the same?

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