David was a man chosen by God to be the king of Israel. God sent the prophet Samuel to anoint him as king as a young boy, and the spirit of the Lord was upon him mightily but still, he fell into sin and broke the commandments of God!!
David controlled the Israelites and accomplished great things for the Lord, but he sinned against God by having an affair with Bathsheba. When Bathsheba got pregnant with his child, he resolved to kill Uriah, her husband, and sent him to the frontlines of the battle to do it.
God was not happy with what king David did and sent prophet Nathan to confront him about his wicked deeds and the consequences that follows. Here are some of the life lessons we all can learn from the story of David and Bathsheba:
1. Being at the right place at the right time. 2 Samuel 11:1 In the spring, at the time when kings go off to war, David sent Joab out with the king’s men and the whole Israelite army. They destroyed the Ammonites and besieged Rabbah. But David remained in Jerusalem.
As believers, it is important for us to be at the right place at the right time, as this will help us to walk in the will of God for our lives.
David fell into sin because he was not at the place God wanted him to be at that particular time of the year. He was at home when he should have been at war as it was the manner of kings at that time of the year.
If he was at war, he couldn’t have come across Bathsheba having a bath, he would have been doing what God wanted him to do. But because he was at the wrong place, his eyes went on the wrong things and he lusted after her.
We should not forget to be in fellowship with other believers because when we are alone and away from God’s presence we will become easy prey for the enemy. 2. You cannot hide your sins.
God is aware of every evil we have committed; nothing is hidden from Him. People around us may be unaware of what we are doing, and we may delude ourselves into believing that no one will notice our transgressions. However, our Heavenly Father, who sees and knows everything, has recorded all of our transgressions.
When we cover our sins the spirit of the Lord is grieved and this causes us to lose our spiritual gifts. If the Spirit is pricking your heart to correct something in your life, know this: your soul is precious. Heavenly Father wants you to be part of His eternal family.
David tried his very best to cover his sins from the people but he could not cover them from God. He sent prophet Nathan to confront and convince him of the sins he has done. 2 Samuel 11:6–27
Likewise in our lives today we should not hide our sins from God but be quick to come to Him, knowing that He knows everything even before we can talk to Him. For what He wants from us is a repentful heart.
3. Repentance from sins. Repentance is very important for us as believers in Christ Jesus. Let us always be ready to repent from our sins and turn to God who is ever ready to forgive us of all our sins. Don’t procrastinate about repentance because we don’t know when the Lord will come.
Repent of your sin today and ask God to forgive you of all your sins and decide to live for Christ from today onwards. He will give you the ability through His Spirit to live a holy and righteous life for the Lord.
David repented and ask God to forgive him, God forgave him and did not take away the kingdom from him. He continued in his walk with God and was used mightly for the kingdom of God.
When we repent of our sins, God will restore us back to Himself. Our relationship with Him is unending and He loves us more than we can love ourselves. God’s love for us is unconditional. Don’t live in sin for God loves you and remember He sent His son to die for all our sins because He treasures us.