It’s not as simple as it looks. You might see one and the answer seems so simple to you but when you find out what the answer actually is, you wonder how you could have fallen so far from the mark. That is the case with this puzzle, and it is stumping people with its simplicity.
Set a timer for 30 seconds, scroll down, and see how long it takes you to spot all the odd ones out! Ready to go! All the best… Find the odd one out.
Your job for today is to find the odd one out in this particular challenge. Do you think you can do it with ease? Well, we sure to do hope so! Zoom in and be mindful of little details. That is the biggest advice that we can give you tonight. Hurry up because time is ticking away.
Are you done yet? Well, you should be because that is definitely isn’t too difficult. How about giving the riddle one last try before giving up? Those who are done can scroll down below for the final reveal.
It’s definitely easier than you think! Here’s the answer! The odd one out is in the 3rd row, 2nd column! Do you see it now?