One of the largest boys was born in 2018. At birth, his weight was 7.09 kilograms! This miracle hero was named Niko. He is already the 8th offspring in the family and he is the only boy. The fact that it would be a son, the parents did not know until the birth, and the father of the family did not even immediately believe it.As the happy mother notes, their previous girl was also born large!
She was born with a weight of 6.5 kilograms. But Niko broke all records. The happy father admits that many were surprised by the boy. But the family is not up to festive feasts now. All thoughts are about how to feed a large family. There is no permanent job, a veterinarian by education, in his native village.
As a result, I’ll have to work extra jobs to supplement my income rather than relying on government assistance, says Alex. Because the Dyadko family lives a fairly ordinary and private life, there is relatively little information on the matured Niko on the Internet. Journalists visited the residence after the boy’s birth, but only a few photos can now be found on social media.
Despite the challenges and the 100-year-old house, the family considers itself to be the happiest and friendliest, which is the most important thing to them.