IF you think you are good at spotting small details, try your hand at this tricky brain teaser that has left many people barking up the wrong tree. Hidden in this forest scene is a girl called Marie, but can you spot her? The picture was posted on Playbuzz and many people can’t see the wood for the trees!
A girl is clutching a cow on a rope in the scene, however there is another girl wandering in the woods. Don’t worry if that was too much of a challenge for you; we’ve got a solution for you right here. TIMED REVEAL – YOU HAVE 3 SECONDS TO SOLVE THE PUZZLE BEFORE THE FULL REVEAL.
WAIT! LET’S TAKE A LOOK AT THAT AGAIN! “MARIE” WAS HIDDEN IN THE WOODS, AS WE CAN NOW SEE. TO HAVE SEEN IT, YOU MUST BE A LITTLE DYSLEXIC. WOW! That’s correct! We tried to deceive you by not saying that MARIE was only a collection of letters spelling her name.
Most people don’t pick up on that clue and ASSUME Marie must be a little girl. Even then you still needed a mirror to see that you had to flip the image upside down and reverse the letters to solve it.