Can you spot The Giant Mistake In This Picture?

If you are always thirsting for new challenges that will test your cognitive abilities, you have to look no further. In today’s mental workout, we’ve prepared a series of visual tests that only the minority of people can pass.

Without further ado, prepare to scrutinize the image below and discover one major flaw! Find the fault in the image above in 40 seconds to pass this test. As you can see, the image depicts a group of people going about their daily lives.

While a young girl is on her way to school, two young ladies can be seen chitchatting outside the pizzeria to the right. Meanwhile, one young man is spotted walking to work, while another is seen meandering around the city while on the phone.

A sequence of buildings and cars driving through the streets can also be seen in the photograph. But have you found the error yet? Only a few people can detect the error in the allotted time — if you’re one of them, please let us know in the comments!

And if you’re still having trouble, we’re here to give you some pointers. The error affects the drivers and passengers on the road. Perhaps one of them is breaking the rules? We hope you detected the automobile driving in the opposite direction on a one-way street because an even more difficult visual exam is about to begin!

Are you ready for the second challenge? Find the mistake in the image below in just 20 seconds!

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