“Something wonderful happened recently. My wonderful husband of 12 years, Bill, told me that he wanted to marry me. Now, as most of you reading this will know, Bill has been living with dementia for 9 years. For the past year or so Bill has been unaware of our relationship, and no longer knows my name.
So, when Bill told me that he, ‘Really REALLY liked me and wanted to be with me forever – I was really touched. Bill doesn’t use many words now and finds it hard to express himself, but I got lots of kisses and hugs as I accepted his ‘proposal’. It was so lovely!
Another memory to treasure. What I wasn’t prepared for was that he’d remember the next day. He wanted to know when we were getting married. This was Thursday, and as I was having my ’close girlfriends’ round on Saturday, I suggested that was a good day. My daughter Andrea said I needed a dress. Really?
‘Of course, she said. ‘How else can it be a wedding?’ So, I got a dress that afternoon, expecting to return it unworn. But Bill was still remembering on Friday, so together we bought a special cake from Mark,
My cousin Lynne sent me flowers for my hair, and Eva arranged and prepared a special bit for Bill in the renewal of vows, giving him the impression that we were being married. The next day, with Lynne’s beautiful homemade bunting from the day before, Eva’s lovely flower arrangement, and Susan’s exquisite flowers for my bouquet,
With beautiful weather, all day and my great family by my side, Bill and I remarried. It had been the most amazing day. We are so fortunate to have family and close friends who adore us both and go out of their way to ensure that Bill and I have a happy life together.
I never dreamt we would ever renew our vows, but we really did. And it was wonderful. Bill was wonderful. And what is even more amazing is that 2 weeks later Bill still thinks he’s just married his new girlfriend and it makes him very happy.
Thank you if you’ve made it to the end! Please take from this that you can never assume that just because someone has advanced dementia with all the difficulties that present, they can’t still surprise you in the most unlikely ways. Bill has made me very happy yet again.”