This woman under 3ft tall was told that giving birth could “crush her from the inside out” but she has still defied the odds to welcome a healthy baby boy. After being born on August 3, 1989, weighing 6lb – with bowed arms and legs as well as 150 fractured bones, 2ft 10in Trisha Taylor from Boise in Idaho was diagnosed with ost.eogenesis imperf.ecta (OI).
Trisha has been in a wheelchair since she was two and a half years old. She has always been adamant that OI would not distinguish her from her colleagues. Trisha met and married her 6-foot-tall truck driver husband Michael. Doctors advised this woman not to have a kid because her bones are so frail that a mere cough or sneeze could fracture them.
Trisha somehow managed to carry her baby son Maven to 32 weeks before delivering him via cesarean section following two painful miscarriages. The youngster is now a healthy, thriving five-year-old without OI. Trisha also mentioned that she recently created her own blog, ‘And She Did,’ in order to inspire people. This full-time mother stated:
“When I told my doctor I’d come off birth control, he sat me down and advised me against falling pregnant. “I remember the word ‘could’ was thrown around a lot – “‘You could leave your life and so could the baby…’ “But I don’t have time for ‘could’ and after a lot of hard work, I welcomed my perfect baby boy.“To this day people still can’t believe I gave birth to him. They ask if Maven’s my baby and I always tell them – very proudly -‘Yes, he grew in my belly.