Yaki Clements, a mother of twins from Los Angeles, turned her daughters into an Internet sensation after she set up an Instagram account for them on their seventh birthday. Netizens were delighted with the sisters’ appearance. Lesa and Ava were named the most beautiful twins in the world.
The girls began to build a modeling career at the age of 7, and it does not stop now. The life of the Clements twins is followed on Instagram by 1.8 million subscribers, and young models who recently turned 11 are actively signing contracts with brands of children’s clothing and fashion magazines!
Their mother is very involved in presenting her children as celebrities. The woman was chastised and is still being discussed on the internet for depriving the girls of their childhood, but Yaki consistently responds with the same question: “Do you know my children?” No.
I appreciate your concern, and I can assure you that Lisa and Ava are in good health. They are ecstatic! They had a fantastic childhood, with lots of friends and fun.” The world’s most gorgeous twins have an elder brother who just turned 13 years old.
The boy, like his sisters, works as a model. If the Clements twins do not lose their beauty, they will have a great future in the fashion world. Perhaps we are already looking at photos of supermodels! The girls are really very beautiful, don’t you agree?