When you move into a new home, you often try to learn everything possible about it as soon as you can. In fact, you may even feel as if you’ve got a handle on things before you move in!
Then again, there may be certain things that are hiding under the surface and you will not fully understand what it has to offer until you’ve lived in the home for quite some time. It’s possible that you’re stumped by a light switch in your house. No matter how many times you flick it up and down, you’ll never get any light, no matter how hard you try.
However, one person took to TikTok to show that they were facing a different issue. It appears that they had discovered a hidden safe in their house and were attempting to break it open.
The prospective homeowner speculated that the area near the fireplace might contain a hidden safe. She found the safe after removing some of the front wood after obtaining the key. When she arrived, it was the very first day she had ever lived there!
When they arrived, she took a video of the safe to show others how it appeared that someone had already tried to break in. The safe’s contents could only be ascertained with the assistance of her father, who brought a spy camera with him. They couldn’t get the door to open because they were having trouble prying it open.
Video footage of the house being built some 70 years ago was eventually put online. Prior occupants had no idea what was hidden behind the wood panels of the house. Fortunately, she found it and then went on Google to find out more about the safe.
An expert was called in and the door was opened after being unlatchedThere were some interesting things in the safe, including playing cards, and a World War II 50th anniversary coin. There was also an old newspaper from 1850 in very good condition.
It was interesting to see but some of the people who watched the video were not very happy with how she handled the contents. That was especially true of the newspaper, which may have been worth some money if it was in such good condition. Check out the videos below: