This Woman opened a Free Couch that She Got On Craigslist and what she found there is unbelievable

File this one under the “why didn’t this happen to us instead?” category. This is the story of a California woman who received a free couch from a stranger that she met online. When she brought the new furniture home, she made the most amazing discovery. There was $36,000 in cash tucked inside of it. Vicky Umodu is a resident of San Bernardino County and she is the one who came across this hidden bundle of money.

Once the pieces had been moved into her residence, that is when Umodu noticed that something was amiss. There was $36,000 in cash stashed in various envelopes hidden in the couch. When she notified the family about what she had found, they were quick to note her generosity and provide her with a reward. Of course, there are many who would have simply kept the money for themselves.

While we may be able to sleep at night with this ill-gotten money in our house, we aren’t sure. As ABC7 quotes her, “I said, ‘Maybe it’s just a gimmick.’ “Let me call them,” I said. After the death of a loved one, she soon learned that the family was going to get rid of all the furniture. There is nothing in my new home because I just moved in.”

So we picked it up and brought it into the office,” Vicky said. The family was baffled as to why such a large sum of money was hidden in this couch. In the end, they found even more money in envelopes hidden in other parts of the house, so it may have been a way for their deceased relative to save money. Umodu, on the other hand, received $2,200 for her efforts in returning the funds. The family wanted to show their appreciation for her honesty and uprightness.

Check out the interview below:

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