Puzzles and riddles offer a great way for you to boost your mental performance while having fun with your friends and family. If you’re not afraid to take on yet another daunting challenge, roll up your sleeves and get ready to do some investigating!
In the picture above, you can see a young blonde lady talking to two men. Both of them claim to be her husbands, but only one of them is telling the truth. Because Rachel has lost her memory, it is up to you to assist her in determining who her true husband is!
You’ll need to zoom in and focus on the smallest of details to accomplish this. Consider it this way. What does one of the two men have or lack that helps us determine whether he is or is not the woman’s husband? Have you figured out the mystery yet? Here’s one more hint from us. What do almost all newlyweds wear?
You are correct if you said wedding rings! That is, the man on the right is the woman’s true husband. He’s wearing a gold wedding band, while the man on the left isn’t.