Adorable baby boy has a ball while out shopping for paint

The video starts with a guy and a boy. They went to Home Depot today, accompanied by filmmaker Anita Mander. They need some paint for a job. Most individuals dislike choosing a new paint color. It may seem that there are practically limitless options: did you realize that there are over 150,000 distinct varieties of white paint alone? However, all of the inconveniences and difficulties that often accompany decision-making are beyond young Brock’s comprehension: he’s just interested by all the beautiful colors!

In the video, Brock offers the camera lady a paint color card while holding another in his palm. “What about this one?” inquires the guy who is holding him. Brock’s face brightens: he’s discovered a new hue to gaze at. He grabs the color card, utterly awestruck by its new hue. Brock compares the two cards before choosing to give the older one away. The tiny guy discovers another hue and is absolutely taken aback.

The guy chuckles and says he’s “shaking so much” from excitement. Brock is still enthralled, starring at the multicolored wall in front of him. We hope Brock will continue to like painting as he grows older. Who knows, maybe he’ll make a profession out of it. After all, they say that if you like what you do, it’s not “work.” Brock would never work a day in his life if he can keep this level of paint enthusiasm alive!

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