Using these simple tips can save you thousands of dollars at the register! Shopping at Costco can be expensive, especially if you buy in bulk. Although it saves time, spending it all at once can be mentally taxing. However, Costco price tags contain some hidden gems that could save you thousands of dollars in the long run…
If you shop at Costco frequently, you may not receive all of the perks and benefits you deserve. The big box retailer has a little-known method of organizing their prices — and uncovering the secret could save you thousands of dollars… and thousands of hours! “The last two digits of the price can tell you a lot,” according to
For starters, any item with a price ending in a nine is regularly priced merchandise, so you’re not likely to get much more bang for your buck. Meanwhile, all items ending in $.97 are general markdowns, so stock up! Okay, maybe not on king-sized beds, but you get the idea!
If an item’s price ends in $.88 or even a buck, it’s a price cut by a local manager who wants to get rid of that item. That’s it! By following these simple guidelines, you can save hundreds of dollars on your next bulk purchase.