A month ago, a unique and endearing story involving Jessica Rudin, a mother of two babies aged three and four months, occurred. So this mother and her two children boarded an airplane. She was unable to feed the younger child prior to boarding. Caroline, the oldest, changed her mind and began screaming that she would not travel anywhere after being excited about the upcoming excursion before entering the cabin…
“I thought they were going to get us off the plane,” Jessica said. But then a miracle happened: Todd, a neighbor on the same row, intervened to save the woman. He first offered to carry the baby so Rudin could buckle up her daughter. He then came across the child and struck up a conversation with her so that her mother could feed the infant quietly.
The good man’s interactions with the Rudin family, however, did not end there.
Todd bombarded Caroline with questions, sat through movies with her, and drew sketches with her. He then helped Jessica and the children exit the plane, carried the bags to the boarding gate (Rudin was on a transfer flight with the children), and led the young girl the entire way. Then it was revealed that Todd was also traveling with them on a joint aircraft. He even swapped seats with several other passengers before the second trip to sit next to Jessica and her children!
Jessica claimed in her letter that she had never felt such love and attention from someone who, in reality, should not care about her.
Todd, she claims, told her that he chose to help because his wife had previously been in a similar situation. She was traveling with two young sons and was assisted by a fellow passenger. Rudin mentioned that she was able to contact Todd after the trip. They agreed to meet and spend time with their families. Caroline, I’m looking forward to meeting her new friend!