Deanna Shrodes was expecting to discover a grave, but years of searching led her to a nursing home where she discovers and cares for her biological father. “I was expecting to find a grave, but instead I found a person, and it was absolutely mind-blowing,” she said. Deanna, as an ordained minister, understood how much her heavenly father adored her. But she was still curious about her origins.
When she was a baby, she was placed for adoption. Deanna Shrodes was 27 years old when she finally found her mother, who was hesitant to meet Deanna at all. Deanna’s biological mother died just two months after the meeting, taking the secret of who Deanna’s father might be with her. Deanna, on the other hand, did not give up. Instead, she prayed to the Lord, asking him to assist her in finding her father. With only a few hints from her mother, she formed the “Finding Mr. Greek” Facebook group.
All of the puzzle pieces began to fall into place gradually. She was aware that her father was Greek and from Richmond, Virginia. Then God literally answered her prayers. “I informed my husband, I informed my best friend Laura… ‘Listen, guys, you might think I’m crazy, but I was in prayer,’ I explained. “God spoke to me and said, ‘Your father’s name is Gus,'” she explained.
The final puzzle piece fell into place a short time later. Through 23andMe, she was matched with a relative who delivered miraculous news when he told her, “I think you’re my Uncle Gus’ daughter.” The next day, she spoke with her father, Gus Nicholas. The 92-year-old man was ecstatic because he was no longer alone. He was surrounded by loved ones. Deanna stated, “‘I woke up this morning alone,’ he explained. And now, as of this afternoon, I have a daughter, a son-in-law, and three grandchildren.
My great-grandchildren… ‘I’m no longer alone in the world,’ she reflected. “‘No, you’re not,’ I said. You aren’t.'” Now they spend as much time as they can getting to know one another. Deanna Shrodes realized the value of life and that her father might not have much time left. Despite barely knowing each other, she decided to move her father from the nursing home into her guest bedroom.
Here, he is surrounded by love and family, and he is able to tell his daughter the stories of his life that she has longed to hear her entire life. This amazing story demonstrates how God never fails us. He provides everything we require, and it serves as a gentle reminder that love never fails. “It bears everything, believes everything, hopes everything, and endures everything.” 1 Corinthians 13:7 (KJV).