The pregnant woman’s life was saved by the photograph.

Kiers and Bridette Honey of Madison County, Alabama, cherish every moment of their lives. And all of this after the story’s 2012 occurrence! A photograph of Chris’s pregnant wife holds special meaning for him. “She is my glorious angel. The picture was taken on the day we went to the hospital. The work should begin as soon as possible.” In this photograph, the man realized what was hidden from him on the day he took it: “An angel was watching over us from above!”

The couple’s two beautiful children were Abby and Austin. Austin weighed 2 kilograms, while Abby weighed 1.600 kilograms. However, the birthing process was not easy. Bridgett had an amniotic fluid embolism, a rare but fatal condition in which amniotic fluid enters the mother’s circulation. Only 20% of the population will survive this event. “I descended to the second level, where a nurse awaited me,” Chris explained.

“When I walked into the room, my heart almost stopped. Bridgette’s heart rate dropped dramatically, and she began to bleed internally. She was taken to the hospital for surgery. The mother of five was in grave danger. For many weeks, the family members relied on a single prayer… Fortunately, the procedure was successful, but the lady was forced to take powerful medications to keep her condition stable…

Simply incredible! Thank God for today! “We are just thankful for everything,” says the family, whose five children are growing up healthy and happy. Chris concluded by thanking God for this miracle as well as the health and happiness of all of his children.

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