Why this Mother breasfeeds her 4-year-old boy ?

Breastfeeding has recently become a source of contention in society. Nobody can deny that this is a natural and necessary process. Earlier mothers, on the other hand, were more likely to care for their babies behind closed bedroom doors; today, however, they are increasingly beginning to lead an active lifestyle immediately after childbirth and are frequently forced to feed their babies in front of strangers.

Katherine Clarke of Australia, on the other hand, rose to prominence not only for her willingness to demonstrate the process of breastfeeding to others. When she posted a photo of her son Ryder online, she received a barrage of criticism. Even though the boy is four years old, his mother still breastfeeds him and considers it natural.

People flooded the woman with angry comments, and some even called her a pervert. But she decided that her son should decide how long he needs breast milk on his own. “I don’t always feed him,” the woman replied. “However, whenever I breastfeed my youngest son, who is now 19 months old, the older one wants some as well.” During breastfeeding, the woman claims to have a particularly strong emotional connection with her children.

As a result, she has no idea why people react so negatively to her actions. Katherine is unsure when her children will refuse breast milk on their own, but she will not force-feed them: “I feel a little sorry for people who write to me saying that I’m doing something wrong. It’s especially painful to read women’s comments. They must be embarrassed to breastfeed themselves; it must be considered almost indecent.

I’m hoping that changes soon.” The breastfeeding mother is one of humanity’s most beautiful images, a symbol of life, care, and love that has been sung by artists and sculptors. In reality, many people believe that feeding a baby is an intimate process, a kind of necessary medical procedure that must be followed by certain rules.

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