A two-month-old boy with unusually thick and fluffy hair has already reached adulthood.

A 2-month-old baby with unusually thick dandelion-like hair conquered the network about three years ago. Junior Noon was born on July 30, 2016 in Brighton, England. He was born a true hero, weighing 4.5 kg and sporting long, lush hair that earned him the nickname “Little Bear” from the medical staff. 32-year-old Chelsea Noon had already given birth to two children, both of whom were born normally.

In general, newborns’ hair thins out over time, and new, stronger hair grows in its place. Junior’s curls, on the other hand, only grew thicker and longer as he grew older. My mother had to use a hairdryer to dry her younger son’s hair after bathing because it wouldn’t dry out otherwise. Everyone took notice of the “Bear” when Chelsea went shopping with him. Strangers couldn’t help but approach Junior, admire his hairstyle, try to touch his hair, and take pictures with him.

Such journeys were frequently delayed for several hours. Chelsea made the decision to post pictures of her youngest son on the internet and did not regret it. Users were surprised by the boy’s lush and thick baby hair, and he quickly became popular all over the world. Junior is now 3.5 years old. His first teeth have already fallen out, indicating that he has grown significantly. Judging by the latest photos of the baby, now his haircut differs little from the hairstyles of his peers.

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