The 1962 Barbie Dream House We Always Wanted Is Back!

The incredible retro design is not cheap, but it captures the essence of the era’s designs. The paper cutouts fit together to give Barbie all of her accessories and furniture, almost an exact replica of the original 1962 Barbie Dream House. The recreation house has a hi-fi system, tiny records, and wall art from the 1960s.

What a wonderful way to rediscover the thrill of Barbie (or to share it with the grandkids). The house includes not only the furnishings, but also a reproduction Barbie doll from 1962, complete with poodle bangs, kitten heels, and a 1960s-style dress.

The house, like the original, folds up to become a portable play set. In 1962, the original house cost between $4.44 and $8.00 depending on where you lived and which retailer you bought it from.

That would be between $37 and $68 in today’s money. The Barbie doll would have cost an additional $2 or more. If you’ve never fully grown up, had this set as a child (or desired it), or have always loved Barbie, this set is for you.

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