This younger woman marries a rich man 25 years older than her…Before he passed, what he did surprise everyone

When a woman married a wealthy hermit 25 years her senior, she became the talk of town and the subject of numerous rumors. But it wasn’t until her husband died that she realized she’d lost more than just a husband.While money is unquestionably necessary to live a luxurious life, it does not always guarantee happiness. Some of the most priceless experiences we have have little or nothing to do with money.

Disagreements over money can sometimes lead to family feuds, separating loved ones and causing sadness and heartbreak. A millionaire went through something similar when he decided to live a life that was not dependent on his wealth. But not everyone shared his opinion of his wife.Sandrine Devillard was a glamorous Parisienne who owned four businesses in her native France, including an estate agency. The blonde-haired lady was always dressed to the nines, her designer outfits making a classy fashion statement.

She was used to a luxurious lifestyle that suited her attractive personality. Marcel Amphoux, on the other hand, was a gap-toothed recluse, landowner, and eccentric farmer who lived in the French Alpine village of Puy-Saint-Pierre. Amphoux preferred to live as a recluse on the slopes near Puy-Saint-Pierre, near the major ski resort of Serre-Chevalier in Southeastern France, despite owning five Alpine shepherd’s huts on valuable land.

According to a French newspaper, he lived like a bear.Amphoux’s property was worth millions due to its prime location, which Devillard was well aware of when she met him and expressed a strong desire to purchase it. The huts could be extremely profitable if converted into chalets.But everything changed in 2016, when Amphoux’s last will and testament, scribbled on the back of an envelope, surfaced.

Despite the fact that the toothless hermit owned the lodges, he was unconcerned about their financial potential. Even the residents had to pay a peppercorn rent. As a result, much to Devillard’s chagrin, Amphoux refused to sell the land.But the lovely Parisienne was determined to change things, and she responded by asking him out on a date. Surprisingly, the eccentric bachelor, who rode his bike around and claimed to communicate with aliens, was captivated by her beauty.

Following a brief courtship came shocking news that shocked the entire village — the unexpected marriage. While Devillard assured everyone that she adored Amphoux, none of her words were convincing enough for the villagers. On a crisp, sunny day in September 2011, 67-year-old Amphoux and 42-year-old Devillard married and sealed their union in the civic hall in Puy-Saint-Pierre, a town of 500 people surrounded by snow-capped peaks.

Devillard carried a flower bouquet and wore a flowing mauve silk gown. Her designer jewelry complemented her costume. Amphoux was dressed in a grey suit, a mauve silk tie, a waistcoat, and his battered, floppy hat, which had wiry grey hair poking out the sides. Throughout the wedding ceremony, however, residents of the Alpine village booed and heckled. Their hostility was directed squarely at Devillard, who had no prior ties to the small town. Jacques, one of the locals, shared:

“There was booing and jeering. They all knew Marcel well and assumed Sandrine was only interested in his property and money.”Many people suspected that the blonde estate agent manipulated the disheveled landowner and was only interested in his money. The couple’s honeymoon was planned for Paris, but Amphoux allegedly returned home alone after complaining about how much he disliked the city.

The newlyweds maintained contact, but their marriage remained contentious. Devillard, on the other hand, devised a perfect plan to prove her love for Amphoux and silence the speculators. She released a music video in April 2012 for the song “L’appel Du Soleil” (The Call Of The Sun). Devillard was filmed frolicking in the Alpine meadows like a blonde Julie Andrews in her sparkling white robe.”Marcel is a man from the Middle Ages, if not prehistory.”

I am a genuine Parisian. I’m still there. But I try to see my husband as often as possible.” However, Amphoux, who remained silent throughout the music video and even afterwards, spoke to a local newspaper in June 2012 about his marriage and relationship with Devillard. He admitted that he hadn’t heard from his wife in a long time.Amphoux died in a tragic road accident in November 2012, when his car plunged down a ravine in heavy mist, and he died from his injuries.

Both the driver and another passenger, who were both Devillard’s friends, were unharmed.The driver was later tried and acquitted of manslaughter. The entire village of 500 people gathered for the “Hermit of the Alps'” funeral. The glamorous widow, who was 25 years younger than her late husband, was also present at the solemn occasion.

Devillard dressed in all black for the funeral and was said to have thrown herself into Amphoux’s grave to demonstrate her love for her late husband. Locals, on the other hand, continued to hurl insults at the Parisian lady. According to French law, Devillard would be entitled to her husband’s vast fortune, Jacques recalled. But everything changed in 2016, when Amphoux’s last will and testament, scribbled on the back of an envelope, surfaced.

He had stated in his will that he wanted his money to go to a female cousin and the huts to go to the current tenants. The rich hermit didn’t seem naive at all, as he didn’t leave a penny for his lovely, young wife. Devillard, enraged, allegedly challenged the will’s authenticity, claiming it was not in Amphoux’s handwriting. She also claimed that the new heirs had abused her trust, attempted extortion, and forgery.

“People were furious with Sandrine, and they didn’t stop letting her know.”Prosecutor Raphael Balland, on the other hand, declared that handwriting experts had confirmed Amphoux wrote the will. As a result, Devillard’s allegations were dismissed. Many life lessons can be drawn from the story of this wealthy hermit and his lovely young wife. Amphoux valued relationships, family, and love above all else, as a true gentleman would.

Devillard, on the other hand, allegedly deceived her husband and was even accused of scheming and plotting against him. She didn’t win the hearts of the Alpine villagers until the very end. What did you learn from this story? Don’t forget to tell your friends and family about it.

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