After catching her 14-year-old son raping his 8-year-old cousin, his mother calls the cops. Read the details here

After briefly leaving the room where he and his 8-year-old cousin were playing to put her 2-year-old son down for a nap, Solomon Pule’s mother returned to a horrifying scene. The Maryland mother noticed her children were “far too quiet,” but she had no idea it was for such a terrible reason. When she returned to the room, both kids were half naked, and Solomon was rapping his little cousin.

The mother also noticed a pair of scissors on the love seat next to them.Officers were called because the mother was upstairs putting her 2-year-old to bed and telling her son and 8-year-old niece to clean up the living room. She went downstairs to look at them after noticing how quiet it was. Pule was wearing his pants and her niece was wearing her skirt when she discovered them on the love seat. There is a pair of scissors nearby.

Officers were told by the 8-year-old girl that her cousin had threatened to cut her with scissors if she made any noise. She also claimed he stuffed his belongings inside her. Solomon was arrested for rape after his mother called Baltimore City Police. During interrogation, the child admitted to raping his cousin. He was arrested and charged with first- and second-degree rape at the Baltimore City Detention Center.

Authorities confirmed that he would be prosecuted as an adult, implying that he could be imprisoned for the rest of his life. In Maryland, a juvenile between the ages of 14 and 18 can be prosecuted as an adult under the condition that an adult committing the same crime would face death or life in prison. Juveniles aged 16 and up can also be prosecuted as adults in Maryland for abduction, kidnapping, murder, rape, robbery, and firearms offenses.

Although it is still uncommon for a young adolescent to be prosecuted as an adult, those who are convicted as adults face adult prison sentences. In addition, the crime is recorded on the teen’s public criminal record. Young offenders are common here, according to Adam Rosenberg, Executive Director of the Baltimore Child Abuse Center. He said that in 2013, they saw 155 cases where the perpetrator was between the ages of nine and fourteen.

Rosenberg went on to say that if children who have been sexually abused are not properly cared for, they are much more likely to become abusers. Counseling is essential for both the victim and the perpetrator. Unfortunately, the Baltimore Child Abuse Center sees the most children under the age of six. This is primarily because young children are the most vulnerable; many of them are unable to fight back or speak out when they are mistreated by someone older and more powerful.

No one wants to put their children in treatment, but it’s one of the best things they can do to truly avoid bad future scenarios, Rosenberg said, implying that parents are frequently hesitant to enroll their children in critical counseling once abuse is discovered. This could have serious consequences in the future.Everyone involved in the Solomon Pule case is heartbroken.

To some extent, Pule is also a victim. His actions indicate that he was subjected to sex and violence at home or elsewhere, which drove him to commit a heinous crime against a family member. She will never be the same after her innocence was stolen at such a young age. This terrible tragedy will undoubtedly haunt this family for the rest of their lives, with the children bearing the brunt of the pain.

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