People usually have a long list of requirements when they start looking for a new home. Some people care about the number of bedrooms, while others prefer a large yard or garage.Nonetheless, I believe we can all agree that there are certain qualities that none of us want from/in a new home, despite the fact that taste and preference differ from one potential buyer to the next.
Amber Hall found the ideal first home after weeks of searching in a four-bedroom, two-bathroom listing in Centennial, Colorado.The location was ideal for her family, and she had imagined spending many enjoyable hours in the backyard with her two children and two dogs. She had no idea the house already had residents… albeit of the slimy variety.Amber couldn’t wait for her family to close on the house and make it their permanent residence.
However, the unusual behavior of one of her dogs set off alarm bells in her head as she unpacked.According to KOAA, she said, “I was trying to unpack, and my dog crouched down and started walking over here really slow.” “When I came over to see what he was looking at, I thought it was a spider or something, and there were two little holes right here, and I saw snakes slither up the wall.”
As a result, I panicked.”That’s right; it’s written there. There are rattlesnakes in the drywall.Large serpents were said to have wrapped themselves up inside the wall next to her garage’s exit into her yard. When Hall put her hand further up the wall, she felt warmth, a worrying sign that there were more of the creatures hiding there.”Shockingly big,” she said of the snakes.
“After all of the research, everyone agrees they’re some kind of garter snake.” They do, however, state that no one has ever seen their garter snake grow that large. “I can’t unpack any of my belongings because I’m terrified of snakes in the boxes or under the boxes… It’s as if you crawl into bed and immediately rip the covers off or jump out of bed to make sure nothing is in there.”
According to Amber, the first snake was spotted a little more than a week ago. Since then, ten snakes have been discovered. The worried mother eventually hired a snake wrangler to remove the reptiles from the house in a humane manner.He informed Amber that due to their large size, some of the snakes may have been living in the house for the past two years.
“I don’t think I’m the first to find them, but I don’t think anyone would ever say they knew they were there,” Hall said. “It’s difficult. This is my first home, and I’m 42 years old. I’ve worked my entire life for it, and I can’t seem to enjoy it. My children will enjoy it. “I’m terrified to death.” Amber has already spent nearly $1,000 trying to get rid of her pest problem.