When the doctor turned to them and said, ‘I’m sorry,’ the couple was terrified.

Nobody expected twins with Down syndrome to be born. When Matt and Jodi Parry found out they were having twins, they were scared when the doctor turned to them and said, ‘I’m sorry.’ But these lovely ladies are a true blessing!When Matt and Jodi Parry first met their identical twin children, Abigail and Isobel, they were filled with dread for their future. Doctors warned them that raising two girls with special needs would be challenging.”I was devastated when I found out the girls had Down syndrome,” Jodi said.

“I felt as if someone had ripped my heart out.” “However, when the girls returned home from the hospital, it quickly became clear that, aside from a few extra appointments, they were no different to Finlay.” It might only take them a bit longer to complete tasks.”Both believed the diagnosis was a “life sentence.” But as their daughters grew older, they realized how fortunate they are to be Abigal and Isobel’s parents.”To this day, I’ll never know what he was sorry for,” Jodi said of the doctor’s reaction before the twins arrived.

“If I could ever meet him again, I’d show him Abigal and Isobel and ask him, ‘Why did you say sorry?'” We wouldn’t trade Abigail and Isobel for anything.”When the girls turned four, they began attending normal school with their older brother. “When the girls were born, we didn’t know if they’d be able to go to a mainstream school,” Matt explained. This merely goes to illustrate how far we’ve come in our understanding of Down Syndrome.

We had preconceptions that many people still have, and that is what we are attempting to correct.”Matt and Jodi are now speaking out for other parents who are raising a child with Down Syndrome. They launched the Twincess, an awareness campaign and resource website. There, the parents proudly demonstrate what their girls are capable of.Rather than emphasizing what the twins born with Down Syndrome cannot do, they highlight what the girls can.

“Our goal with Twincess was to show the non-Down’s syndrome community and people who have never been touched by the condition what people with the condition can do,” Matt explained. These adorable girls are still growing and thriving. When God gifted this couple with Abigal and Isobel, he knew precisely what he was doing.

As the mother of three special-needs children, I appreciate God every day for the way he created my children. I’m sure Matt and Jodi feel the same way about their beautiful Down syndrome twins. May their light continue to shine for children with unique needs, and may we all be reminded that Abigal and Isobel, like all of us, were created in the image of God. What a lovely family!

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