Often, a child resembles only one of their parents rather than both. A couple on TikTok recently released a video that ignited heated debate among social media users about how much a child should resemble their parents. In the end, supporters of this debate were divided. Raina SaNita, a TikTok user, published a video on the app on April 22, 2023, using one of the filters to match her baby’s face to the child’s alleged father.
The video began with an image of Raina’s child’s face, which gradually changed into the child’s assumed father. Finally, the father moved away from the camera, as if in astonishment.Raina called the video “Stop denying,” and captioned it, “PROVING to my [baby daddy] that our daughter does look more like him.” Although Raina claimed the video absolutely proved the baby was his, the supposed father and the comment section were not convinced.
Following the test, Raina’s comment section surged, with people eager to learn whether her partner was indeed the father.
People commented on the video, claiming that the infant was not his. Some others said that the baby appeared to be far too white to be the offspring of a black father. “OK, I’m going to be that person,” one wrote.
That child is far too white to be his.” This statement was echoed by many others. Others recommended paternity tests, with one saying, “He needs a DNA test.”Meanwhile, Raina released another video showing how much she resembles the baby, and several viewers appeared to concur that the father resembled the infant more. “I see it clear as day,” one user said, “he better claim that baby.”
Raina and her partner eventually proceeded to resolve the matter once and for all, with thousands of users calling for a paternity test. In a third video, the alleged father sat with the child while a pair of gloved hands approached with a swab. The father gladly opened his mouth to allow a DNA sample to be extracted.
The mother went radio silent after showing her and her partner taking their child for paternity tests on April 29, 2023.After completing his swab, the individual taking the samples produced another swab and approached the young infant girl who sat peacefully while a sample was obtained from her. The entire procedure was swift, however the responses took some time.
The issue surrounding the couple’s child was mostly based on the apparent disparity between the baby’s skin color and that of her alleged father. Many readers commented that if the man in the films was her father, the little daughter would have had darker skin, causing the young mom to make the movies demonstrating the little girl looked like her partner.
Although many people predicted that the guy would produce a child with darker skin, the complexities of DNA and biology show that an interracial couple can have a child with light skin. In 2010, a well-known instance revealed two black parents eventually giving birth to a child who appeared to be white. The BBC cited three key elements in determining a baby’s skin color, stating, “dormant white genes which entered both of her parents’ families long ago,
a genetic mutation unique to her, or albinism.” According to research, a baby’s skin may darken as he or she grows older.While people in Raina’s comment section may be concerned, all indications point to the man in the videos being the little girl’s father. Following the test, Raina’s comment section surged, with people eager to learn whether her partner was indeed the father.
The mother went radio silent after showing her and her partner taking their child for paternity tests on April 29, 2023. Countless individuals impatiently awaiting the results of the DNA test harassed Raina on TikTok, hoping to elicit a sliver of the truth from her. It was all for naught in the end.Raina refused to discuss the tests further, preferring to keep the results between herself and her spouse.
Although she has not stated if her boyfriend is the biological father of her daughter, it appears the hesitant man stayed after the DNA tests, implying they reached an understanding. Raina followed up her third video with another, this time featuring herself, her daughter, and her partner. Raina’s partner smiled as she put the tiny child up to the camera before panning to show Raina sitting contentedly while shooting them.
She captioned the video, “When all the [redacted] on TikTok are mad as hell, you ain’t posting no results.”Raina was correct. People in her comment section were practically howling to learn whether or not her partner was the father of her child. One TikTok user begged her nicely but firmly to share the results, adding, “Ma’am, we’re waiting what are the results we’ve invested.” They were far from alone.
Many others felt Raina’s quiet on the subject had already revealed the solution, with one person remarking, “It’s been almost a month and not even an irrelevant new video has been posted.” Certainly says a lot.” Other people noted Raina’s stillness following the DNA test and read whatever they wished into it.
“You notice no more posts since he did the test?” one person wrote. Hmmmmm.” Another individual stated, “It’s May 26 durk drop his album before y’all drop the results i think i know the answer (sic).”Although Raina did not comment to any of these theories, she did answer to one who stated, “Aniyah is not his baby according to her fb.” It’s also unfortunate because her entire family believed her. “Baby looks exactly like her ex.”
Raina decided to respond to the claim by saying, “Lmao they are siblings too.” My first father doesn’t resemble my youngest lol they sisters are going to look identical y’all stupid (sic).” Do you want more of this? Read about a man who was chastised for marrying a single mother by clicking here.