10+ amazing facts you didn’t know about left-handed people

The majority of the population is right-handed and does not appreciate the difficulties of being a lefty in a right-handed world. Several studies have been undertaken on the biological and psychological aspects of being a lefty, with some focusing on its evolutionary impact. Some believe that because they have had to learn to cope in a world predominately designed and built for right-handed people, left-handed persons lean more towards the independent sde. Others throughout history were superstitious and believed that because the devl was left-handed, those who were left-handed must practice witchcraft.

While leftes may need to learn to adjust to right-handed instruments or fight with right-handed scissors, there are many intriguing facts about leftes that most people are unaware of. These facts about lesser-known left-handed persons will certainly entice you to learn more about them. Fascinating Facts About Leftes Leftes are some extremely exciting individuals who need a special mention. So, here are some amazing facts about left-handers that you might not have known before: 1. Account for around 12% of the population

On average, 12% of the world’s population is left handed, 87% is right handed, and 1% is ambidextrous. However, as being left handed becomes more socially acceptable, the percentage of leftes worldwide is gradually increasing. Whether you believe it or not, some countries still try to force children to learn to write with their right hand! For example, in 1860, when a left handed person was considered to be in alliance with the devil, it was estimated that as few as 2% of the population was left handed. The current 12% figure varies by country and gender as well!

2. National Left-Handed People’s Day National Left-Handers Day is celebrated on August 13th. Another goal of International Left-Handers Day is to raise awareness of the difficulties that left-handers confront in a world designed for right-handers. It was first introduced in the United Kingdom in 1992 by the Left-Handers Club. 3. FIVE LEFT-WING PRESIDENTS Some recent southpaws in the oval office include Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden.

4. More telling than Rght. Leftes have diverse brain organization, which allows them to process verbal information by using both sides of the brain. At the same time, rightes have a more organized bran dvson, with the right hemsphere handling vsuospatal processng and the left hemsphere handling verbal processng. Because leftes can process speech information on both sides of the brain, they can digest more data and have higher levels of intelligence than rightes.

5. Improved Stroke Recovery When strokes occur on the left side of the brain, our language suffers. Around 95% of rightes have their language regulated by the left side of their brain, but only 70% of leftes have theirs controlled by the left side of their brain. This explains why more people who have regained control of their language after a stroke are leftes. 6. More Probable to Have Allergies. A study published in the research book “Cerebral Domnance: The Biological Foundations” discovered that left handed people were 11 times more likely to suffer from allergies than right handed ones.

The study also discovered that left handers were two and a half times more likely to suffer from auto-immune disorders such as ulcerative colitis or rheumatoid arthritis. 7. A Strong Hand in Sports Lefties have a distinct edge over righties in certain activities, such as fencing, boxing, tennis, baseball, and swimming. Rghtes are more accustomed to playing against other rghtes, which may throw them off their game slightly when forced to play against a lefte. For example, a batter in baseball is more likely to be accustomed to receiving pitches from righties, hence they are more likely to mss while receiving pitches from lefties.

This is especially widespread in Tennessee, where roughly 40% of the current top players are lefties. 8. Predisposed to Mgranes. In the same scientific study described above, it was discovered that left handed people were nearly twice as likely as right handed people to experience migraines. 9. More adept at multitasking Data obtained by the Illnos Research Consortium in 2008 revealed that left and right-handed people approach task and memory performance differently. Experiments revealed that when given two tasks to do concurrently, southpaw participants performed the best.

This is due to the fact that right-handed people solve problems by breaking them down into components and analyzing each piece one at a time. Left-handed folks, on the other hand, tend to look at the problem as a whole and use pattern-matching to try to solve it. 10. more artistic. Leftes are more artistic because their dominant hemisphere governs their awareness of art, creativity, and magic. They are also more suited to visual information than language-based information. 11. More Probable to Suffer from Sleep Deprivation. It turns out that being left handed can have a negative impact on the quality of your sleep!

Perodic lmb movement disorder (PLMD) is a condition in which your lmbs move involuntarily while you sleep. In a 2011 study titled ‘Assessment of Perodic Lmb Movements in Right-handed Versus Left-handed Patents,’ it was discovered that 69% of right-handed participants had blateral lmb movements, compared to 94% of left-handed patents! So now you know why you’re kckng your mate in bed while you sleep! People who are left-handed Make the most of the right side of the bran. The bran is cross-wired, which means that the right side controls the left side and vice versa. As a result, the well-known adage “only left handed people are in their right minds” applies.

The right side of the brain is supposed to coordinate the left side of the body and control tasks related to the arts and creativity. Look at our dagram below to see if you can relate! However, a new 2018 study at Washington University, ‘Unlateral, 3D Arm Movement Knematcs Are Encoded n pslateral Human Cortex,’ suggests that tasks may be split more equitably than previously thought. It’s worth noting that the experts have indicated that because this study only involved four patents, there is a lot more research that needs to be done before we can properly grasp the relationship between bran and body!

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