Instead of receiving gifts for her birthday, a compassionate Chicago girl urged her parents to help the homeless. Mom Armani declined, stating that she wanted to feed the hungry with the same meal that would be served on her birthday.
When Father Antoine told her that she would not receive gifts in this circumstance, the girl persisted. So, a Chicago family spent roughly $300 to buy meals for the homeless in the East Garfield neighborhood. They purchased a wide range of foods.
When Armani spoke it in a local church, the congregation voted to support the proposal. They collected special hygiene care packs as part of a charity event and distributed them to those in need. Dental supplies, deodorants, hand sanitizers, and food were all included in each pack.
More than 125 people were fed because to the generosity of one family. As Armani told ABC News, “it was good to be good.”Her mother stated that the birthday girl was overjoyed and overjoyed.