There are a surprising number of activities that you cannot perform until you reach a specific age, such as driving a car or renting a hotel room. On the other hand, it appears that you can become too old to undertake certain things. This includes a rather typical practice: wearing jeans.Fashionistas believe you can age out of your favorite jeans. However, there is a certain amount of times when specialists recommend donating your denim. And this isn’t just a matter of taste; the blogger backs up her assertion with numbers.
CollectPlus, a UK courier firm that recently surveyed 2,000 national buyers, gathered the information. They were asked about their purchasing habits and wardrobe choices, even down to their ideal pair of jeans. According to the final results, respondents appeared to agree that people should not aim to fit into denim after the age of 53. What’s the reason? But it’s not because you’re creating a fashion faux pas. In reality, as you get older, it becomes more difficult to find a pair that fits.
Unfortunately, the statistics are poor news for denim fans. According to the studies, one in every ten people over the age of 50 tried on up to six different styles before selecting the perfect pair. The survey also discovered that by the age of 53, most people reach their highest stress levels while shopping for jeans. Six percent of buyers were so outraged that they burst into tears.
Of course, no matter how old you are, selecting the right pair of blue jeans may as well be rocket science. According to study, people spend an average of five to eight days looking for jeans. So it’s no surprise that most people won’t buy a new pair for at least another three years. We will support you if you continue to wear your favorite pair of jeans till you retire.