When, after 10 years of hopeless attempts, I finally gave birth to triplets at the age of 48, instead of congratulations, everyone around started blaming me.

I am 38 years old and gave birth to triplets six months ago. This brought my spouse and myself great joy. The truth is, I had been trying to get pregnant for the past ten years without success. Doctors merely shrugged and told me that I should have had kids sooner. Relatives, on the other side, advised against spending so much money and instead adopting a child from an orphanage. But I wanted my own child to experience the joys of pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting.

I didn’t consider having children when I was younger since I had a rough relationship with my previous husband. We married when we were both twenty years old. He quickly became a constant source of stress, and our relationship ended as a result of his actions. After such a traumatic experience, I had a lengthy and tough rehabilitation. Then I met Leonid, the love of my life. He was not like the other men; he cared about me and desired a long-term connection.

It was because of him that I began to want for children. We were ecstatic when I finally became pregnant after another attempt. Leonid was there for me throughout my pregnancy and even during the births, bravely holding my hand.Our lives changed after our children were born. Many people are quick to criticize us, claiming that having three children at our age is unacceptable.

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