When a wailing 3-4-kilogram bundle enters the family, the normal rhythm of life is dramatically disrupted. Every minute and second are now dedicated to this screaming marvel. Everything that was valuable before is now depreciated. Old habits are replaced with new ones. You are now subject to the rule of this dictator and angel disguised as a darling and tormentor.
Now, he is the primary figure, and nothing is conceivable without Him. Not everyone understands how much a child can affect a couple’s lives, but we’ll show you now. A four-month-old infant is talking. A child is born with unique qualities that develop as he grows. Parents hear the first, but confident “Coo!”, rejoice at the young one’s first intentional steps,
assist him in developing in various directions, and eagerly witness every success of the tiny explorer of the world. In addition to the mother and father, child psychologists are involved in this. Specialists will fully explain why a newborn dislikes semolina porridge! As we figure out what’s going on, here are seven interesting facts identified by psychologists over many years of engaging with children. The first fact: did you know that a youngster has his first and strongest infatuation at a very young age?