If your man does any of the following four things, leave him alone; he is not the right person for you. 1. If he yells at you and be@ts you constantly. 2. He’s always keeping secrets from you.
This is bad behavior. As a woman, if you notice or have noticed that he conceals a lot of information from you and just tells you the less relevant details. There’s no reason to conceal secrets from each other when you’re in a relationship.
Perhaps as a woman, you start hearing things about your boyfriend from strangers when he should have told you about it. Move on with your life; such a relationship will not last. 3. He constantly takes you for granted. If you’ve seen that he usually takes you for granted, meaning he doesn’t care what you do for him and doesn’t even reciprocate the sacrifices you’ve made for him. Beware of this and run since he is not the proper person for you.
4. He is abusive and always blames everything on you. Pay heed if your man becomes upset, curses, or says unpleasant remarks at you. He always blames you for his faults, and he never admits that he did the wrong thing. As a women, if you have told him about this issue numerous times and he does not seem to change, run away from him; he is not the proper person for you.