Camille Roelants, 31, of Ireland, is a popular blogger and mother of four children. On the Mummy Pages website, she recently submitted a heartfelt letter to her young son, who was bullied in school. The truth is that physicians fear the youngster has autism, and he has been under study for some months. While waiting for the findings, the entire family is under continual strain, and every injustice to the child weighs heavily on the mother’s heart.
Mom penned a heartfelt letter to her “special” kid, who is being tormented in school. Camilla opens her sorrowful and cutting letter with these words: “My little boy!”My heart bleeds when I see you sad and crying. I understand that you are being harassed and taunted at school, which upsets you. Believe me, my love, that while soothing you and wiping away your tears, I am also crying bitterly in my heart.
You’re surely aware that we’re all incredibly diverse, with our distinct personalities. Above all, I want you to be surrounded by nice people. They would recognize and appreciate what a nice, caring, handsome, and amusing boy you are. Unfortunately, our globe does not consist solely of decent people. Even at the age of seven, children can be furious, heartless, and intolerant of others’ grievances.
As a result, they take immense enjoyment in mocking people who differ from others.If it were within my ability to shield you from such a situation. But I can’t make your peers become more tolerant and kind. On the other side, I can assure you: “Hey, buddy, know that even if everyone is against you, I’ll be there, and I won’t let you down.”