Notice your man’s body language. If he’s doing these things to you, he is into you truly

1. He smiles often. When he grins, pay attention to whether he is smiling with his lips or his entire body. When a man is with the female he loves, his entire body radiates bliss. He grins a lot. His lips and eyes are both smiling.

2. He Smiles with His Front Teeth. He smiles with his front teeth. Most guys don’t show their teeth after they reach maturity. However, if he is smiling with his front teeth visible, he is most likely interested in you.

3. He is locking eyes. When a man falls in love with you, he can’t help but marvel at your stunning appearance. In this manner, he ensures that “this is the face I want to look at for the rest of my life”.

4. His pupils dilate. His pupils dilate, which is the most obvious indicator that he is in love with you. When you look into his eyes and his pupils dilate, it indicates that he is attracted to you. On the other hand, if he glances at you and his pupils contract. This is a sign that you should stop wasting time. He isn’t interested in you at all.

5. Eyebrow Flash. If he lifts his brow slightly while speaking to or staring at you, it indicates that he is interested. This occurs for a fraction of a second, yet it is the immediate reaction of being drawn.

6. He touched your hair. If he touches your hair and/or enjoys caressing your hair, you should know you are more than just a friend to him. Nobody touched the friend’s hair.

7. He is looking at your lips. If you’re both conversing and he keeps glancing at your lips, pay attention. Guys do this when they are considering kissing you. 8. He licked his lips. Guys often lick their lips or run their fingertips across their lips in front of a girl they find attractive. If he’s licking his lips in front of you (not creepily), he wants to kiss you.

9. Does He Blink Faster? If you observe him blinking more than normal, it means he likes you. When we see someone we like, we tend to blink more. 10. He likes to lean. When he leans towards you when you converse or sit together, it is clear that he is in love with you, and he is leaning because he feels comfortable with you. However, if he leans away, it’s a big NO!!

11. Evaluate the touches. He likes to hug or softly stroke your hands. He places his hand around your waist when you go for a walk together. He’s hugging you a little longer and more firmly. He loves you without a doubt; he is attracted to you.

12. He is okay with your touch. You brush your hands against his or stroke his body lightly while strolling with him, and he remains calm. This indicates that he is interested in you and feels quite comfortable around you. If a guy flinches at your contact, it suggests he isn’t really into you.

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