1. INSINCERITY. Every woman despises insincere men. Insincerity is a major turnoff and can destroy a relationship. It reflects your lady’s trust in you. Many men enjoy this behavior and don’t care; they are insincere about everything they do and believe it is normal, and she probably wouldn’t mind. Women are patient people; they hold things up until they can’t anymore, and by then it’s too late. So, one piece of advise for you fellas: keep your act together; that woman isn’t a fool, and she notices everything but remains silent for a reason.
2. LACK OF TRUST. If you don’t have complete trust in your wife, what are you doing together? It’s better to avoid her altogether than to be with her and still distrust her. Women live off the trust that men have in them, but if there is no trust, you are making her feel terrible. Some males do not instinctively trust women, which is a bad thing. Trust is vital for keeping her in love with you forever.
3. CHEATING. Nothing can exhaust a woman like a c.h.e.a.ti.n.g man. A cheating man is a woman’s worst nightmare. Most guys c.h.e.a.t, and this is a reality. It’s not fair to invite a lady out, she accepts to be yours, and all you can do is cheat on her. It’s an unreasonable thing to do; in my opinion, it’s wicked. If you want her for a fling, ask her for a fling; if you need something real, be real; crying is not a sign of realness.
Women do not enjoy sharing their man, no matter what. Cheating on her would only cause her pain and exhaustion. Women react differently to a man who c.h.e.a.t.s; some are hurt and just leave, others are violent to either the man or the woman he is c.h.e.a.t.i.n.g with, or both, others curse and swear, and some opt to cease dating. The summary is that she is hurt and fatigued, which is entirely the man’s responsibility.
4. When He Doesn’t Listen to Her. Some guys enter a relationship with a woman and act as if they are male chauvinists; they act as if they are military generals, and their word is final. They don’t listen to their lady or seek for her opinion, but they still want to keep her; all they need is an obedient subordinate to dominate. Sorry, man, but your relationship isn’t a military training camp. She deserves your respect; provide it or risk losing her. Women despise being ignored; it implies that you do not regard her.
5. When He Doesn’t Care. Some men enter partnerships solely for the sake of the relationship. They do not care about their girlfriend; they act and treat her in any way they like. Perhaps they do this with the idea that she can’t live without them and won’t leave. As I previously stated, ladies are a patient bunch; they wait and wait to see if there is any improvement before becoming dissatisfied and leaving.
You must always show her care, never tire of telling her how much you love her, and never stop communicating with her; this keeps the fire burning in that connection, and when the fire goes out, she becomes tired and concludes it’s all over. Never let things get to this point unless you don’t love her.