Why Women Should Quit Peeing in the Shower

Please be aware that we are not here to shame anyone. All we’re saying is that there are a lot of shower pee-ers out there, and we refuse to accept that this is uncommon. Ladies, will you acknowledge to doing similar things in your own homes? At this moment, our legal counsel advises us not to confirm or reject the allegations.

Fortunately, we’re not alone. According to Shape Magazine, 80% of the respondents surveyed admitted to peeing in the shower. Most people think this is a harmless habit, but experts warn ladies not to do it. We still refuse to confirm or refute our behaviors in this regard, but we’re intrigued by why they’d claim such a thing! This is all part of our own scientific research. Dr. Alicia Jeffrey Thomas announced the news on TikTok, where you may view her videos whenever you want.

In case you’re curious, she goes by the moniker @scrambledjam. As it turns out, this is a practice we didn’t consider, yet it could be detrimental to our health.Dr. Stacey Picart, a gynecologist, also elaborates. “If your pelvic floor muscles are tight and prevent your bladder from completely emptying then this can make you prone to recurrent urinary tract infections,” says Professor Picart. If we continue to pee in the shower, our bodies become accustomed to unhealthy habits.

“If you habitually urinate in the shower without really needing to, then you train your bladder to get used to emptying at much lower volumes and therefore lose the ability to hold higher volumes of urine,” she tells me. ”

Doctors say you need to stop peeing in the shower | body+soul

You can also train your brain to recognize running water as a signal to empty your bladder which is problematic if you feel the urge to go every time you hear a running tap!”Personally, we’re not too concerned with holding at greater volumes; we make up for it during long car trips and pretty much every other time of day. It’s not like you’ll forget how to use bladder control after one pee every few days, right?

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