1. Your arguments. You may be an outgoing person who enjoys sharing anything on the internet, but posting about your conflicts and disagreements with your significant other could be quite embarrassing.
2. Unapproved photos of your partner It could cause problems for you. You should always consult your partner before posting their photos on the internet. They might not think it’s humorous. Perhaps they would prefer to keep things personal. To avoid the possibility of a fight, always ask your partner before posting anything online.
3. Do not send indirect messages to your partner via your posts. Sometimes we are unable to express our true feelings, and some people have the habit of doing so indirectly, either through a public post or through someone else, which can inevitably lead to a schism between you and your significant other. Tell them exactly how you’re feeling. That would be ideal.
4. Do Not Upload Negative Things About Your Partner’s Ex If your spouse has a horrible past or is in a bad relationship, you don’t have the right to post negative things about them. It will just highlight your insecurity in your relationship.