7 Gross Childhood Foods That Will Make You Cringe

Ah, childhood. We didn’t even understand what “calories” meant back then. Music and pop culture boomed in the 1990s and early 2000s, although other sectors, such as food, struggled slightly. Sugary snacks from our youth would not fit into today’s health-conscious culture, but let’s go back 15 years and look at this list of 13 nasty and unhealthy meals that you most likely ate as a child:

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1. Heinz Easy Squirt Ketchup Image source of sellingtothemasses.com I’m still not sure why Heinz felt it was a good idea to launch a range of colored ketchups in 2000, but it did happen. This phenomena was manifested through carefully named colors such as Blastin’ Green, Stellar Blue, Funky Purple, and even the limited edition Shrek bottle, which was (sadly?) discontinued in 2006.

2. Pixy Stix. Photo courtesy of retroland.com These pure sugar sticks bring back memories of elementary school birthday celebrations, when kids would take these sticks as shots and chase them with a Hi-C juice box. Despite the ridiculous amount of sugar, you probably didn’t realize Pixy Stix are extremely low in calories, with only 9 calories per tube and 0 grams of fat.

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3. Wax Soda Candies Photo courtesy of retroland.com Another delicious treat from our childhood. Wax Soda Candy takes some effort to open, but they were well worth it, right? To consume, take off the soft wax tip without swallowing it (though you probably did swallow it once or twice). Then try to suck the sugary nectar out of the tiny container. Yum.

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4. Fruit Gushers. Image source of kitchen-tested.com I’ll admit that I occasionally consume these sticky, syrupy bits. Fruit Gushers are, unsurprisingly, quite bad for you. With 12 grams of sugar and 90 calories per pack, I tend to eat these with the nutrition facts facing down. 5. Bubblicious Bubble Tape  #TBT to when I tried to put the entire five-foot roll of gum into my mouth. I look back and wince at my terrible decision-making, which always resulted in excruciating jaw pain. Why were my parents not watching?

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6. Kids Cuisine Photo credit of dinosaurdracula.com The original TV dinners (please tell me this existed in your childhood household as well). These mini-meals appeared perfectly gourmet from the outside, but disappointment lay under the wrapper, as Kid’s Cuisine actually looks like this:Загруженное изображение


7.Trix Yogurt Photo courtesy of Sassymamainla.com. I doubt anyone will forget the neon-colored Trix Yogurt, which came in luscious varieties like Triple Cherry and Watermelon Burst but lacked actual fruit ingredients. A cup of Trix Yogurt contains 14 grams of sugar, which is equivalent to seven Pixy Stix.


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